Testing UI5 apps, part 3.2

I’ve published the fourth part of my blog post series on “Testing UI5 apps” over at blogs.sap.com.
It essentially covers both headless- and multi-browser testing, along with some necessary-to-know Usefulities™ such as QUnit.only and opaSkip.
The hands-on code part is (as usual) on github, for this article on branch 03_mock-cov-useful.

SAP CP Cloud Foundry destinations demystified

Coming from the neo environment in SAP Cloud Platform, a so-called destination enables proxying HTTP requests at runtime. This not only fullfilled CORS requirements in a browser-based scenario, but also allowed querying data in a SAPCP-application from an on-premise system.
Even though the name destination is the same in the SAP CP Cloud Foundry (cf) environment, it’s usage is completely different. Let’s elaborate.


destinations are of substantical value in hybrid application architectures, where a cloud application wants to retrieve data from an on-premise system via the Cloud Connector.

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