Cloud Foundry dev w/ on-premise data

sitWDF 2019 - Volker Buzek


  • Node.JS-based API exposing on-prem data
  • ⚡️ @sap/approuter
  • ⚡️ WebIDE

Architecture Seen (1)

Architecture Seen (2)

CORS demysitifed

Architecture Here

under the hood

  1. retrieve token from xsuaa instance for using the destination instance
  2. use token for querying a specific destination from destination instance
  3. retrieve token from xsuaa instance for using the reverse proxy (aka connectivity instance)
  4. use token for querying some uri in the destination


under the hood

        url: '/api/json',
        connectivity_instance: 'connectivity-inst',
        uaa_instance: 'uaa-inst',
        destination_instance: 'destination-inst',
        destination_name: 'API',
        http_verb: 'GET'
    .then(response => {
        // do sth clever w/ the response
        // of $on-prem_behind_destination_'API'/api/json
    .catch(err => {
        // oh no 💩

highlights (excerpt)


# enable ssh
cf enable-ssh <app>

# ssh tunnel
cf ssh -N -T -L 9229: <app>

# node --inspect!
<node-debugger> attach localhost:9229

# repeat 2 + 3 after cf push...meh

highlights (excerpt)

POST, 201 + content-length

👍🏻 👎🏻 🤔
monitoring fragmentation → maintenance
scaling debugging CC: subaccount UX
re-usable npm module
