TBaaS - Testing and Building as a Service

UI5con 2018 - Volker Buzek


TBaaS ... ?!


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Testing and Building a a 3-fold Service

Continuous Integration

TBaaS for the developer


TBaaS for the developer

TBaaS for the developer

Pro | Con

time saver πŸ’» ⌨️
error prevention component zoo
πŸ€™πŸ» code style (prefixes!)

TBaaS for the server

TBaaS for the server

UI5 →

TBaaS for the server (CI)

Pro | Con

error prevention
false positives
πŸ€™πŸ» test against different UI5 versions karma-*-launcher stability
πŸ€™πŸ» test against
production|staging sources
jenkins-node stability
component zoo
infrastructure maintenance

TBaaS for the server (CD)

Pro | Con

build effort
πŸ€™πŸ» .app version == build version

TBaaS for new projects

TBaaS for new projects

Pro | Con

»One Stop Shop« one-time setup effort
one-time setup effort only

some numbers

  • took us 2+ years part-time
  • developer
    • n minutes vs 4 $devs * 2 days
    • "exploratory testing" savings ~50%
  • server: €€€ ~ et al
    • saucelabs (enterprise): ~24.000€/year
    • SCP msfDaO, CE: €3000/month
  • new projects: »One Stop Shop«

TBaaS for new projects you πŸ‘‹

as of now:

  • offered as a subscription- and on-demand-service
  • open for a limited number of ramp-up customers
  • how?
    1. Setup/Onboarding
    2. Choice of TBaaS modules
    3. πŸ˜€ πŸ™Œ
